End of Term Message from David Zubrow, Outgoing Chair

December 31, 2021 marks the end of my term as Chair of the ASQ Software Division. To say the last two years have been challenging would be an understatement. I am happy to note that the division is still operating. However, continued operation is not our goal. Software quality continues to be an important factor to functioning of everyday life. Software really has become ubiquitous in our society and personal lives. As I look ahead I hope the division grows and becomes more vibrant as a source of advice, information, and a place to share experiences. I encourage you to join and contribute to the Software Division however you can. We are always looking for energetic individuals who want to serve on the leadership team and get involved with existing activities or have ideas for new ways to provide value to the membership. Lastly I hope you will join me in welcoming Eloise Henry and Heather Wilson as the new Chair and Chair-Elect.

David Zubrow
News Software Division 12/30/2021 8:40am CST


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