July 2022 Edition Of Our LED E-Zine (Newsletter) Available

You can find our latest LED newsletter, the July 2022 edition of our LED e-Zine (Newsletter) in the file Folder at 2022 Volume 6 Issue 2 e-Zine. Go ahead and check it out! The first featured article is by Jerry Rosenthal, Lean Six Sigma MBB and Jessica McBride and it explores the dimension of process improvement that is dedicated to humanity, specifically to the human psychology of workers, consumers and decision-makers and its impact on their choices. It combines the discipline of behavioral economics which has been rising in interest in the past few decades with the ideas of continual improvement. I find this particularly Interesting as my own applications are heavily dependent on the way people work and develop a personal commitment to process discipline.
The second featured article is by David Hutchins, and presents his views about the development of the PDCA model and its application in craftsman and scientific ways of working and its extension by the Japanese to include the human aspect of self-control as taught by Kaoru Ishikawa.
Veronica Stephens book review of Untangling with Value Stream Mapping by Ovidiu Contras, addresses another human concentration – how people work together and interact by combining their efforts and decisions to produce a coordinated outcome.
David A. Behling LSSMBB, CMQ/OE, MBA interview of Mike Osterling provides insight into this consultant’s lean career and topical thoughts about the current state of lean and what he thinks are the most important considerations. Osterling is the author of several books on various aspects of lean and developed his knowledge by studying Toyota’s system of production.
We encourage you to contribute and share our ASQ LED e-Zines. For details on submitting articles, please see the guidelines at the end of the e-Zine or contact Jayet Moon or Ekaterina Spiridonova using myASQ messaging.
News Lean Enterprise Division 08/07/2022 12:26pm CDT


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