2021-2022 Slate of Nominated Candidates for Elected Member Leader Positions
The MQD Nominating committee has nominated the slate of officer candidates for 2021-2022. If any MQD member would like to submit a write-in candidate must do so by sending an email to Dilip Shah, Nominating Chair at emc3solu@aol.com by October 30, 2020.

* If no write-in candidates are received by October 30, 2020, then the nominated candidates assume their elected positions on January 1, 2021 for 2 year terms.
* If any write-in candidates are received by October 30, 2020, then an election will be held for the contested positions.

MQD welcomes interested members to express their interest in MQD elected and appointed member leader positions. This is an excellent opportunity to network, develop leadership skills, and give back to the MQD members.

Current nominations for 2021 - 2022:
Heather A Wade, MQD Chair
Dan Sniezek, MQD Chair-Elect
John Fuschino, Treasurer
Sharry Masarek, Secretary
