Quality an element of sustainable development
In the 21st Century leaders and organizations are faced with the sustainability dilemma of profits or the environment. Sustainability is a multivarate construct consisting of four pillars the economicsocialenvironmental and information. Quality, Safety and Environmental management professionals have been at the vanguard of sustainability initially focusing on waste and loss reduction but evolving to include safety and environmental responsibilities. Quality Management concepts such as the Plan, Do, Check and Act (PDCA) cycle have influenced the development of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management standard since inception.

Quality professionals have skills that are valuable in organizational sustainability programs. 

What topics are of interest to you as a sustainability leader in your organization?

What challenges do you face in developing and operating sustainability initiatives in your organization? 

What would you like to learn more about with regard to managing quality in sustainability programs and initiatives?
3 Replies
Ideally, companies would focus attention on these issues to be good stewards in their community, but the more we can show the financial impacts of sustainability, the faster we can gain interest from a majority of companies.

I find this dashboard tool helpful, from Bob Willard: https://sustainabilityadvantage.com/sustainability_dashboard/dashboard-3-2.php
Kevin Fahey‍ Thank you for sharing this post with the ASQ Community. There are three areas of action for business that the quality management profession can champion
1. Extend the concept of the Customer Satisfaction
2. Align the principal-agent relationship with quality and sustainability objectives
3. Connect quality with sustainable development
Our ASQ EED Summer Newsletter provides insights on these issues.

ASQ EED Summer 2020 Newsletter.pdf
Brion Hurley‍ Thanks for sharing this useful dashboard tool. The ASQ EED will be launching our Sustainability Survey shortly, your participation will be appreciated.