The ASQ Software Division Plan for 2020 by David Zubrow, Division Chair
Welcome to the new year.  It brings a change in leadership, new initiatives, and some challenges.  With regards to our leadership team, Rick Neighbarger fulfilled his term as Chair and is now serving as Immediate Past Chair.  Nancy Pasquan stepped down from the Secretary position to become more involved in conferences and other division activities.  Murali Krishnan has stayed on as Treasurer.  Eloise Henry is our new Chair-elect and Mark Morton is the new Secretary.  Dave Zubrow, yours truly, is beginning his term as Chair.  The full roster of the leadership team is at the end of this message and on our website at (  Speaking of which, check out the website for the latest news, discussion, webinars and events, and to query your colleagues for information and ideas.
Our plan for the upcoming year includes the following:
  • Disseminate knowledge regarding best practices and cutting-edge solutions related to achieving software quality
  • Establish the Software Division community within the ASQ website
  • Make available information regarding international standards and create a mechanism for members to participate in the development of international standards
  • Reinstitute the Watts S Humphrey Software Quality Scholarship
  • Operate the Software Division in an efficient and effective manner
I will expand on each of these briefly.  First, regarding the dissemination of information on best practices we will continue to publish the Software Quality Professional journal, conduct webinars, and participate in and sponsor local and international conferences.
The new website is up and running on the ASQ platform and we encourage you to visit it and participate in discussions and share information there.  You may not be aware that the Software Division is a member of the US Technical Advisory Group (US TAG) that participates in the development of ISO systems and software engineering standards.  As a member, you can review and comment on these standards and help shape them.
The Watts S Humphrey Software Quality Scholarship was established a few years ago and has been dormant.  We are reinstituting the scholarship and you can find more information about it and the application at
Regarding the CSQE, in 2021 or 2022 there will be an update cycle starting where volunteers will be selected to participate in the workshops to update the Body of Knowledge and the Exam questions.  To be in the pool for selection to participate, ones need to be a current ASQ member, hold an active certification, and have opted to receive communications from ASQ.  Each workshop is a two-day activity that is hosted in Milwaukee at headquarters and provides RUs that can be used for re-certification.
Finally, we want to operate the division in an efficient and effective manner.  This means exercising financial discipline while doing our best serve the membership.  You may have heard or seen messages regarding the ASQ transformation and a petition calling for changes in the manner in which the transformation is being executed as well as consideration of an option to change the ASQ Headquarters staff.  The choice is yours to decide your path forward regarding the transformation.  As your Software Division leadership team, we want you to know that we are committed to executing our plan to serve you as members.  Furthermore, we encourage you to join the leadership team in the Software Division or take on a leadership role within the Society.  While change is hard and there are serious issues, we are all striving to improve the quality of software products and through them the world we live in.  We hope you will join us.
If you would like to join the leadership team in one of the following areas, please send a message to
ASQ Software Division Leadership Team CY2020  
Position First Name Last Name
Chair David Zubrow
Chair-Elect Eloise Henry
Immediate Past Chair Rick Neighbarger
Secretary Mark Morton
Website Samuel Prasad
Scholarship Greg Zimmerman
Webinar Gloria Rios-Monarrez
Conferences Louise Tamares
Finance Murali Krishnan
CSQE AJ Scotka
Membership Mark Morton
Marketing Eloise Henry
International Standards Theresa Hunt
International Standards Taz Daughtrey
Newsletter  Nicole Radziwill
SQP  Nicole Radziwill
VoC  Robert Stoddard
Internet Liaison  Byron Mattingly

1 Replies
Thank you Samuel.