ASQ/ANSI Quality Standards Z1.4 & Z1.9
Hello ASQ Friends,

I would like to understand more about
ASQ/ANSI Quality Standards Z1.4 & Z1.9. 
This is a need for my work as well as preparation for QE. 
I have a PDF copy of standard, read the ASQ website about it and have the explain of my Quality coach; but still not very ease to use. It may seems not being very clever, but doesn't matter.
Could you be kind enough to let me know if there is a free webinar about these two standards? 

Thank you,
2 Replies
Hi Atousa,

This YouTube video seems to explain fairly well how to work through the sampling plans.   It's interesting that these sampling plans (originally issued as MIL-STD-105), which are based on Operating Characteristic curves, were issued in 1945 by the US military and are still used today in aerospace and other applications.   The book Statistical Quality Control by Grant and Leavenworth provides a much more in-depth explanation of the sampling plans.

A few years ago I did a webinar for the statistics division on Z1.4. If I remember correctly it was recorded so it would be available later. However, I don't know here it is.

Do you have any specific questions about Z1.4 or Z1.9? If so, post them here. I do a lot of work with each of them.