Hello Section 0626
Hello Everyone,
My Name is John Senior and I am the Section Chair for this year. My background and certification is in Lean Six Sigma. I currently work for the Department of the Navy managing the process improvement program for commands in California, Nevada and Texas. We will be challenged again this year and It looks like we will not be able to hold in person meetings until late spring. The past year has seen many of adapt to using a virtual environment for work and we are learning as a section how to use these same tools to interact as an association. You should have seen an email announcing our first virtual meeting utilizing a guest speaker happening soon. We have heard your inputs and we will continue the “lunch and learn” meetings with a focus on back-to-basics applications. If anyone has an interest in presenting at a meeting, please let us know and we would love to have you share your experience and knowledge with the section. If you could please reply and say hello and share something about yourself, it will help me get to know who is in our section.
1 Replies
Thanks so much John for your message. It is a real pleasure to work with you in our Section 0626. I am so happy you have stepped up to take the helm of our Section this year.

Please rest assured I will continue to support you and the Section. Take care.