How to make Six Sigma relavant to Gen Z

As a Quality & Continuous Improvement professional, I have trained 100+ Six Sigma Green & Black Belts over my career. Never was easy to train structured process when someone want quicker results. Changing their mindset’s to vest their energy on long term results is the challenging part. Now, with more and more GenZ raise, we face a different challenge - impatience. This generation is quick learners. But they also want quick results much faster than their earlier peers. They are very impatient. Question is how do we adopt to this challenge and still be successful in teaching and coaching this generation in very structured method like six sigma . one solution I have is linking their growth and career aspirations with decision making. I show their growth depends on accuracy of decision making and not just in speed. They start showing on how each of the tools help with their data analysis and decision making. Please post any ideas on how you are dealing with GenZ folks.
