The Vision of the Medical Device Division of ASQ is to make quality control and assurance in biomedical products and systems as a global priority, an organizational imperative, and a personal ethic. The ASQ Medical Device Division strives to be the pioneer and leading authority, providing resources for everyone in the Medical Device Community. The ASQ Medical Device Division has established the Richard J Schlesinger Grant Program to further its vision by: o Promoting the quality awareness and implementation of quality principles, concepts, and technologies in projects by students within the Medical Device Community, o Providing project-oriented opportunities related to quality for the worldwide Medical Device Community, o Encouraging consideration of the Quality Profession in the Medical Device Community as a career choice. The Medical Device Division Richard J Schlesinger Grants are unique in funding research and development activities performed by the university students for medical devices. Grants have often been instrumental in the successful completion of student projects that have won prizes and recognition at engineering shows and conferences. These grants do not require matching funds. The Schlesinger Grant is an award, usually less than $10,000, presented to an accredited educational institution where the project is to be planned and carried out by enrolled student(s). A responsible faculty member must be identified and agree to oversee the project team. Completed applications must be submitted to the Medical Device Division Awards and Scholarships Committee for review and approval. One or more Schlesinger Grants may be awarded annually. Grant applications may be submitted at any time and will normally be acted upon within two months. Awards among competing projects is determined by how closely that project meets the award criteria and by how well the project and individual(s) align with the Vision and Mission Statements of the Medical Device Division. Each grant requires approval by the entire Medical Device Division Council. The Awards and Scholarships Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Officers and Council members voting on each proposal. Full funding, partial funding, or no funding of a grant proposal may result upon completion of voting. Money is budgeted each year for Grant and Scholarship purposes and an established reserve account exists to support the Awards and Scholarship program when annual net operating revenues are insufficient. ELIGIBILITY The Schlesinger Grant applicants and project must fulfill the following requirements: Page | 2 of 2 o Applicants shall have completed at least two years of undergraduate study at an accredited degree granting institution by the time they receive the award. o Applicants are enrolled in or have a declared major in a technical, engineering, or scientific course of study that is applicable to the Medical Device Community. o Relatives of the members of the Awards Committee are not eligible for the Schlesinger Grant. o The project must generally conform to Design Controls as utilized in the Medical Device Community. o The project must result in a final report to the Medical Device Division. APPLICATION All applicants for the Richard J Schlesinger Grant shall utilize the attached Application Guidance. All application materials must be submitted to the Awards and Scholarship Committee. At least one member of the ASQ Medical Device Division must co-sponsor the grant.


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Date Added: Apr 19, 2023
Date Last Modified: Apr 19, 2023
Category: Resources