Climate Change Presentation for Monthly Section Meeting

Dear ASQ Section Leader,

I’ve given twenty-three talks on climate change to ASQ Sections over the past three years. See below for my 2023 offering.

If interested contact me at:

David Saunders


ASQ Monthly Section Meeting (virtual)

One Billion New Machines, the Inflation Reduction Act, and Five Teams to Fight Climate Change

We have the technology to slow climate change, such as wind turbines, solar panels, smart grids, heat pumps, and electric vehicles. But the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy will require us to build one billion new machines. We’d have to replace your home gas (methane) furnace with an electric heat pump, replace your gas guzzler with an electric vehicle, and replace other climate-killing machines with green machines. This session will describe how the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 will force this transition and the implications for your industry. Also, how to organize five teams to fight climate change in your organization.

Presentation, Interaction, and Discussion:

  • 5T Five Teams to Fight Climate Change

1. Strategy Team: Develops sustainability plan.

2. Adaptation Team: Protects vulnerable assets.

3. Mitigation Team: Lowers greenhouse gases emissions.

4. Reporting Team: Manages greenhouse gas data.

5. Opportunity Team: Innovations new products and services.

  • One Billion Machines: Video by Saul Griffith (3 minutes)
  • The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
  • Electrify Everything in Your Home (free book)
  • Action

Speakers: David Saunders

David M. Saunders, CC-P*, now retired, was the Senior Director of Quality for ResCare, a human services company with 45,000 employees. Before ResCare, David was a consultant at ARBOR specializing in research and training on gathering, understanding, and deploying the voice of the customer. His client list included Ford Motor Company, Anheuser-Bush, Allied-Signal, Intel, and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

He is the co-author of Four Days with Dr. Deming, Addison-Wesley Press (10th printing); Measuring Customer Satisfaction (ASQ ISO 9000 Handbook, Ch. 29); Voice of the Customer Guide (USDOL) and numerous technical papers. David earned a BA from Hobart College and an MS from Pratt Institute. He is a volunteer at the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) and a member of the Association of Climate Change Officers (ACCO).

*Climate Change Professional (CC-P), Certified by the Association of Climate Change Officers and the State of Maryland.
