Like earlier “revolutions,” Industry 4.0 is accompanied by financial speculation and rapid worker displacement. Across generations, absent improved support for humane workplaces at all levels, the purposes and structures of organizations will come under increasingly hostile questioning by a disappointed and actively disengaged workforce. Globally, a key to satisfaction has been meaningful work—a basic human need and perennial task for quality.
Read more in “Career Coach: Checked Out.”
I wonder if employee expectations and demands are becoming so unrealistic that they are setting themselves up for disappointment. It seems the expectation now is that companies will be all things: teachers, mentors, guidance counselors, therapists, career coaches…all while paying top dollar for wages. At some point you have to take charge of your own career and stop expecting your employer to do it for you.
@Janet Lentz I think there is substance to this. While transitioning into more of a coach role myself, self-determination/self-starting is often communicated to those less experienced in the workforce. “Now that you're here, drop the expectation that it to just come to you-- the hunt is still on and even more competitive now."