ISO 9001 fits its scope to create confidence in an organization’s ability to meet the needs and expectations of its customers and enhance customer satisfaction. Therefore, it should not be revised and only amended. Most of the changes in the standard’s context refer to a different scope of creating confidence in the organization’s ability to achieve sustained success by meeting the needs and expectations of all its relevant interested parties in a balanced way—the scope of ISO 9004:2018. Therefore, our recommendation is to amend ISO 9001 and focus on promoting ISO 9004:2018 as an organization’s next step for the future.
Read more in “Standard Issues: Ready for Revision?”
Hi, Lindsay,
ISO 9001 should be transformed into a standard with recommendations only.
Its status of requirements should be annulled.
Certification for conformance with its requirements should be ceased.
After this, it will be worth spending time to discuss its revision.
The reason: this standard does not fit to the management of the 21st century.
Sincerely Yours,
Vladimir Shper