Green Belt Study Materials

Good morning, I will be taking my Green Belt exam in February. I took a course online, I wish I had spent the money on the ASQ course, and received two textbooks. One is the ASQ Green Belt Handbook. I plowing through that a 3 time but I wondering if I should purchase any of the other reference materials that ASQ mentions are used to create the exam.

Anyone else have any thoughts or experiences on this topic? Thanks.

17 Replies

@Stephen Ellis
Hey Stephen!! What version of the handbook do you have?

The second edition doesn't include all of the newly added topics to the body of knowledge.

If you want to learn about those new topics, check out my free videos on youtube:

and I free course at as well.


Hi Stephen,

is the other text book is study guide? Try to purchase CSSGB question banks and do as much of actual exam questions. Hope it helps.

Yee Chin

@Yee Chin Tan
Are you suggesting the question bank instead of the Study Guide? I am looking to take the GB exam in April and have started working through the Handbook and the ASQ course section by section and then refer to the study guide questions to test my mastery of the material. Unfortunately, I have found this approach frustrating as it seems that there are instances where the study guide answer key refers to sections in the handbook that don't provide enough information to understand and derive the correct answer.

It is difficult to explain, but I suspect that the study guide questions material that isn't covered on certification exam. If the question bank is more representative of the material I need to master to become certified, maybe that would be a better means of testing my understanding?

@Jeffrey Carlson

I took the black belt exam last year and coached someone through prep for the green belt exam. I would suggest using one of the practice exams that comes in the CD attached to the Certified Six Sigma Green Handbook as an indicator of what sections in the book you need more practice with. Use that to create a study guide and start making a “cheat sheet” to take with you to the exam. You should also get some flags to mark your book with if there's whole sections of the book that you may need to reference.

I also purchased the question bank from ASQ and used that to study, but beware because (I believe) the questions that end up in there are ones that got removed from past exams because many people got them wrong. They are often harder or worded in a confusing way, but it is still a nice indicator of what topics you know or don't.

I also ran in to instances where the book did a poor job of fully explaining some topics and for those using other online resources (minitab help, etc.) can be useful, but understand that the level of detail the book has the exam will also match.

I can't remember where but there is a list with body of knowledge out there with the level of comprehension that you need for each section. That is helpful to know how in detail you need to know each topic.

@Yee Chin Tan
Thank you Yee, I have purchased the test bank. The big challenge there, as I'm sure you know, is that ASQ uses 11 text to write the questions. Thank you for your feedback. Much appreciated.

@MaryGrace Prohaska
Thank you for the tips. I have taken the practice exams again, after going through the CSSGB Handbook, and I'm zeroing in on the areas I did poorly in.

@Stephen Ellis when I've taken the certification exams, I brought with me the references related to the topics where I had gaps in the practice exam. As time is limited, having the references available (and tabbed for topics of interest) can be helpful . Since you already have the practice exams, use that to determine what additional references will be helpful for you - everyone brings different experiences to the table so it isn't one size fits all.

For disclosure, the authors of the Quality Press handbooks and study guides are not apprised of the certification exam questions. The questions in the study guide are constructed by the authors based on the CSSGB body of knowledge itself.

@Aimee Siegler
Thank you Aimee for your feedback. Some excellent tips I'll implement in my studying for the exam.

@Daniel Zrymiak
Thank you Daniel, I learned that fact quickly as the test bank questions were much different than the study guide. A lot of information has to be learned for the exam, from a lot of sources. At first I was a bit overwhelmed but , at least for me, I have come to appreciate that I've got to do that. I specifically chose the ASQ Green Belt due to its reputation. I have no doubt that once I reach my goal of becoming certified I will have a solid foundation to build upon.

@Stephen Ellis, I also recommend viewing the month member gift at

Also, the Six Sigma Forum has many tools, templates, study guides, etc. which would be constructive for your Green Belt exam, along with subsequent exams you may wish to pursue.

@Daniel Zrymiak

hello, I have found this to be very very helpfull .

@Andrew Robertson

Hi Andrew. Would you know if the Quality Council of Indiana CSSGB Primer Third Edition is still a good tool to pass the exam?

Hi Jeffrey,

Yes, i will suggest all study materials are needed, (Handbook, study guide, question bank.) Question bank to reinforce the knowledge you have learned. Practice as much questions from different sources. (previous exam questions/ similar questions). Below the link for reference :). Wish you score the exam well!

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Question Bank | ASQ

@Stephen Ellis
You are welcome :) Yes, that is challenging. Share me some question and see whether i can crack it. Wish you good luck in exam! still have 1 month, keep going

Hey @Lisa Carter!! Okay so I think the 3rd edition is now out of date (given the 2022 BoK Update).

So I would recommend going with the new ASQ Green Belt Handbook, or my product :) - The Green Belt Master Class - both of which have been updated to align with the new BoK.

They are great videos