Presented by: Esther Alexander, Silicon Labs
Area of Focus: QMS and Session Level: Intermediate
This is the story of how a fabless semiconductor company grew its portfolio to include software as a product and then recognized the need for a software quality management system. The presentation goes over the software quality introduction process which occurred from August 2018 to Spring 2021. The presentation will go over the various milestones of the journey including a survey, the identification of the relevant teams, the creation of the company’s software quality policy, and expected activities for the software development life cycle. Topics will include the notable cultural shift towards quality that had to occur including the value of having buy-in, adjusting to new processes, participating in gap analysis/internal audits, and review of metrics to drive decision making. Attendees will gain insight into the challenges, triumphs, tools/techniques, and references, that led to establishing the software QMS, as well as the lessons learned along the way. The outcome is essentially a framework of how to create an integrated quality management system in a way that engineering hardware and software teams can work cohesively along with the quality team or the team responsible for governance and compliance.