Thank You To Willy Vandenbrande, Steve Wilson, And Frank Murdock From ASQE
ASQExcellence (ASQE) would like to thank Willy Vandenbrande, Steve Wilson, and Frank Murdock for their keynote and volunteer efforts in support of ASQE’s 2022 Excellence Roundtable or ERT — the exclusive Organizational Membership capstone event of the Ascend Workshop Series, focused on thought leadership in celebration of World Quality Month —held on Wednesday, November 9th and utilizing data from the 2022 IoE Executive Brief.
As keynote, ASQ Fellow and IAQ Academician Willy Vandenbrande delivered thought-provoking content about quality methodologies in relation to sustainability, and how quality professionals are poised to deliver business risk and stewardship methodologies to pursue environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. As the 2023 Chair of the ASQE Board of Directors, Steve Wilson provided key association updates to attendees, including accomplishments and welcoming new ASQE Board members. And as the 2022 ASQ Technical Communities Council (TCC) Liaison to ASQE, Frank Murdock delivered important updates about the Insights on Excellence Research Cycle, and how the IoE Benchmarking Tool drives annual reports and events. Willy and Steve also delivered insights from their years of experience in a facilitated panel discussion about the ESG findings featured in the 2022 IoE research. ASQE Member contacts then engaged in two enriching breakout discussions about how their organizations utilize quality with ESG practices, opportunities to directly align quality and ESG strategies, and reported out key takeaways from their group’s discussion to the larger audience. ASQE appreciates the expertise and valuable contributions everyone brought to this exclusive networking and learning event!
ASQE will return in 2023 with more exclusive events to help our members connect and engage within a knowledge-sharing experience, and we are looking forward to it!