You can directly identify the intended recipient(s) of your content by utilizing the @Mention feature. Similar to “tagging”, @Mentions work in:
To activate an @Mention, simply type the @ sign and first three letters of the name of the person you're identifying. This will bring up a list of related names to select. The results will continue to refine as you type more characters.
You can control who can @Mention you on an individual basis. Because @Mentions are a form of private messaging, access is controlled by the ‘Private Messages’ setting in the Privacy tab of the User Account.
You can also control whether or not you receive notifications when you are @mentioned. This is managed in the Notifications tab of your User Account.
Do you have a friend in myASQ who can help answer someone's question? @Mention him or her. Have you read something you know your friend would find helpful? Use the @Mention. There are many ways you can use this feature to enrich your experience as well as others.
Give it a try! @Mention me in a comment below!
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To activate an @Mention, simply type the @ sign and first three letters of the name of the person you're identifying. This will bring up a list of related names to select. The results will continue to refine as you type more characters.
You can control who can @Mention you on an individual basis. Because @Mentions are a form of private messaging, access is controlled by the ‘Private Messages’ setting in the Privacy tab of the User Account.
You can also control whether or not you receive notifications when you are @mentioned. This is managed in the Notifications tab of your User Account.
Do you have a friend in myASQ who can help answer someone's question? @Mention him or her. Have you read something you know your friend would find helpful? Use the @Mention. There are many ways you can use this feature to enrich your experience as well as others.
Give it a try! @Mention me in a comment below!
News Helpful Hints
06/12/2018 4:28pm CDT