Mentoring Program Development and Launch
Are you looking to get more involved in ASQ? Maybe you have some expertise to share with others?

The HD&L leadership team is proposing to develop and launch a new mentoring program in 2019. The goal of the program will be to assist and coach individuals in their personal development as Quality professionals. We are very excited about this project and what it could offer to our members in supporting their growth and development. We are currently seeking 2-4 people with experience in mentoring and/or program development to become part of the core project team to develop and launch the mentoring program.

Experience desired: previous experience with mentoring programs as a mentor or mentee

Estimated time commitment: approximately 2-4 hours/month

Overall Duration: 6-12 months

For more information or to volunteer for this project, please contact:

Lisa Simpkins, HD&L Division Membership Chair
Call 713.412.3396 or email at or reach out via LinkedIn at
Of course, reaching out via myASQ is also welcome!