Quality Management and Stakeholder Engagement
I am sharing a presentation I recently delivered at the ASQ Pacific Region conference on the topic of Stakeholder Engagement.

This was adapted to the Quality 4.0 theme, but Stakeholder Engagement is a practice that could be readily applied to any initiative involving quality, project or change management.

As a discussion topic, I welcome others to share their particular experiences and perspectives with respect to Stakeholder Engagement. One way to look at this is as a more granular approach to team management.

6 Replies
Hello Daniel,

Good Day.

Stakeholder engagement is an excellent technique for strengthening process control.
I had the opportunity in using starting in 1992 at a Honda Tier 1 plant, as the engineering chief of the concepts of Process Improvement Teams (PITs).

We read and referenced the book “Business Process Improvement: The Breakthrough Strategy for Total Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness” and its companion books by H. James Harrington.
In a Japanese based company, we gelled in the Quality Circles implementation as a hybrid for process improvement with the PITs.
“Implemented the PITs, 5S, JIT, Poka-Yoke, Kaizen, Quality Circles, SPC training for all team members; Deming, Juran, Crosby, and Toyota Production Systems blending into a TQM manual/workbooks / SOP manual.” We were the first company in India to be ISO 9000 certified in early 1993.
In a typical stakeholder scenario, we had all the interested parties the ownership, management, employees, suppliers, financial institutions, tax authorities, regulatory bodies, and the customers on the same page.
We delivered to customer expectations, thanks to the engagement of the stakeholders.
The final result is that the 20 Million $ company in 1992 is today at 1.2 Billion $.

Best Regards,
Girish Trehan

QMS Lead Auditor-independent contractor
Partial-Load Professor, Sheridan College
ASQ Education Chair Section 0402

Please refer to this updated version of the presentation. The last version had incorrect Speaker Notes on slide 2 which have since been removed.

Pockets Zones Modes PAC (09-NOV-2020) v1.pptx
Dear Daniel,
Although I appreciate what Girish has commented, I don't think it is really on point with your presentation, which requires a much deeper insight. New thinking about products as platforms and technologies as categories has emerged since that time. We need expansion of our concept of stakeholders and your approach that identifies stakeholders related to "pockets, zones, and modes," establishes a fresh way to decompose the broader stakeholder domain that extends to unintended stakeholders who are not, in reality commercial customers, but participants in the large society that has concerns about the environment, health, distribution of wealth, etc. How quality professionals can consider this broader range of stakeholders is an important topic that requires both deep reflection and broad discussion through conversations such as offered through MyASQ.
Well-done for introducing this new topic!
Best regards,
Hello Gregory Watson‍ ,

The inspiration was from the works of Eduardo Briceño, who distinguishes between the “Learning Zone” and the “Performance Zone” in education.

I expanded upon this, and applied similar distinctions to who the people were and how they worked.

Society at large can sway the overall perception, and should be deliberately influenced through a structured communication system based on reach, frequency, and impact. The failure to do so will result in great intentions going unfulfilled. Consider the appeal by then US President Jimmy Carter to adopt better energy-saving and environmental practices. This was derided as "The Malaise Speech", but on historical reflection, the adoption of such recommendations would have been beneficial and led to virtuous outcomes.

I am grateful for the consideration and I hope that I can develop this further into more meaningful observations and insights.
Dear Daniel,
Yesterday, I was discussing how AI-related technologies relate to the chain of customers. interestingly, our discussion unveiled the fourth derivative customer - next process, broker/dealer customer, purchasing customer, using customer, and maintaining/servicing customer. Each has a different point of view (POV) and voice of the customer (VOC). When designing a new product or service and listening to the voice of the customer, which voice do you listen to? Which customer is MOST right for any particular requirement? How about the technological customer in research? Or, the governmental agency that is regulating your industry? Or the sales rep needing to sell against a competitive product? Stakeholders broaden the concerns. They act as a neural network that cries out to be investigated. Machine Learning and Big Data (or what is called Deep Learning) using natural language processing as customers do not speak in computer friendly languages. If this is tied to recommendation systems, then the "forward-looking" learning about the spectrum of stakeholders can become very interesting.
I am laying out this technology linkage so that forward-thinking quality professionals can dream with me and imagine how these emerging technologies can aid in our desire to understand customers! There are many more applications!
Best regards,
Norm Howe
75 Posts
You might be interested in the Center for Positive Organizations, which I discovered quite by accident where I live in Ann Arbor MI. It's a part of the
University of Michigan. https://positiveorgs.bus.umich.edu/
They sponsor a lot of scholarship on organizational change, stakeholder involvement, and motivation. Membership and access to their presentations is free.

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