The Quality Management Division (QMD) is dedicated to advancing quality management concepts and principles through our myASQ website and our quarterly peer-reviewed journal The Quality Management Forum.
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Webinar Series - Preparing for Process Analysis
with Sandra L. Furterer & Douglas C. Wood
Reliability is defined as the probability that a product, system, or service will perform its intended function adequately for a specified period of time, or will operate in a defined environment without failure. The most important components of this definition must be clearly understood to fully know how reliability in a product or service is ...
"It is most important that top management be quality-minded. In the absence of sincere manifestation of interest at the top, little will happen below."
- Joseph M. Juran
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V.A.4 Qualitative Assessment
Qualitative Assessment
Much of the information used by organizations to measure and track performance consists of quantitative data. Figures such as sales of a particular product, on-time delivery of suppliers, average length of ...
Date Created: 09/03/2022 05:43 PM -
V.A.3 Customer Segmentation
Customer Segmentation
One key legacy of the Industrial Age was the trend of mass production. Henry Ford said that following about the people waiting to buy his company's Model Ts, "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he ...
Date Created: 09/03/2022 05:01 PM -
Webinar Speaker Submission Packet
The Quality Management Division of ASQ is always looking for webinar speakers. We have a robust 14 week process for ensuring relevant content that is marketed appropriately prior to the day of the webinar. (Click to Enlarge)
Webinar ...
Date Created: 05/28/2020 06:42 PM -
Managing for Quality
Webinar Series from Dr. Gregory H. Watson
This series of lectures sponsored by the Quality Management Division takes a deep look at the changing role of quality management professionals from the early days of modern management and ...
Date Created: 04/04/2020 02:57 PM
Community Information
Make the Most of Your myASQ Experience
Quality Management Forum Author Submission Packet
QMD Webinar Presenter Submission Packet
Healthcare Quality and Improvement Committee
QMD Awards
Howard Jones Award
The Roger Berger Award
The Partners In Quality Award
Convey lifelong quality related knowledge through information methods and tools that add value to organizations, society and individuals.
A community where people, organizations and society are engaged in continual improvement.
History of the ASQ Quality Management Division
Quality Management Forum Author Submission Packet
QMD Webinar Presenter Submission Packet
Healthcare Quality and Improvement Committee
QMD Awards
Howard Jones Award
The Roger Berger Award
The Partners In Quality Award
Convey lifelong quality related knowledge through information methods and tools that add value to organizations, society and individuals.
A community where people, organizations and society are engaged in continual improvement.
History of the ASQ Quality Management Division
Community Admins