Presentation on ASQ Senior Membership Benefits - Good for Members and ASQ Society

At the recent QMD/ SW TC virtual conference, I delivered a presentation showing the benefits to individual members, ASQ, and our Member Units to having more of our Professional Members upgrade to Senior Member status.

According to the August 2021 monthly membership report for Geographic Communities, the retention rates for Senior Members is over 85%. This is about 20% higher than the overall retention rate for ASQ members, and almost 30% higher than the level for Professional Members.

Section Monthly Growth and Retention - August 2021 End of Month
Member TypeCurrent CountNew CountsRenew Count12 Month Prior CountGrowthRetention

In an effort to keep our Society and Member Unit strong, QMD has a 2021 campaign to provide a random prize to any ASQ QMD member who upgrades from Professional to Senior during the 2021 fiscal year.

ASQ Membership XL (09-SEP-2021) v1.pptx

9 Replies

@Luigi Sille , @David Harry , just checking whether this gets into your inbox. if so, then you can see how the core of ASQ has stick with the Society through thick and thin. The restless shall go and the faithful shall stay.

Luigi Sille
283 Posts

Hi Dan,

Hope all is well. Just went through your presentation. I loved it. One thing is very clear: members are leaving (Professional members). Are these members with or without certifications? This is not GOOD. Are we (ASQ) doing something to check why they are leaving? These are in my opinion new members, and they are crucial for the survival of ASQ. I first thought it has been because of the pandemic, people losing their jobs and getting in financial problems, but I realize after a while this has been going on before the pandemic.

I love the part about mentoring members to upgrade to Senior/ Fellow members. I really think we as active members, that we have to do something about this.

You have some great ideas Dan.


This is something I would love to be part of. Actions need to be taken, and active members are the best tool to use. There is no better way! Thanks for sending me your presentation, the message is LOUD and CLEAR.

When I talk to HQ, they are trying, the support of active members is CRUCIAL for the survival of ASQ.

Stay Safe my friend


Hi @Luigi Sille

In the presentation, I used the analogy of a hotel room. Imagine paying $169 for a standard room with a bed, washroom, closet, and window. Meanwhile for the same $169, I am enjoying a suite with a jacuzzi, balcony, full kitchen, and concierge service. I did that to prompt curiosity about how to get the additional incremental benefits from being upgraded.

I think people look at their ASQ membership from both transactional and emotional perspective.

  • Transactional: the increased benefits from Senior membership provide more member value, making it easier to consistently recover annual costs.
  • Emotional: the stature and prestige associated with a prefix like Senior or Fellow (along with a label on your conference badge or lapel pin) complements the efforts to be seen as a subject expert, member leader, author, presenter, or contributor to the profession.

It is not for everyone, and I truly believe that if a portion of the departing Professional ASQ members were aware that they could have qualified for Senior Membership, ASQ might have convinced them to remain within the Society.

So in general, have any of QMD's Professional members been persuaded to upgrade to Senior Member? if so, please let me know and you will be eligible for a random draw prize.

Hi Dan and everyone,

The topic sounds interesting to me but I missed the presentation.

I am an ASQ member since 2016 and wondering what means being a Senior member and how to become one's.

Tank you,

I lost my Senior membership when I was out of work during Covid. I contacted ASQ asking about an extension due to my financial circumstances, but was told no dice. Now that I’ve finally been able to renew my membership, how long before I’ll be eligible for Senior status again?

Hi Daniel,

I had planned on becoming a Senior Member when I was eligible but forgot. Your messaging reminded me to get it done. I would have remained a member anyway.

While my organization creates products of very high quality, as recognized by our customers, and I believe we have good processes and problem-solving techniques at the worker level, we don't have established quality processes at the management level. I have learned about management quality systems through ASQ and am grateful.


Trish Borzon
1489 Posts

@Tracy Murray - Kim from the membership team will be reaching out to you for resolution.

@Marco Manodori Sagredo , you can call ASQ HQ at 1-800-248-1946 or connect through a Chat on the ASQ webpage. Customer Care should be able to process your request, and if you are qualified, you can be upgraded very quickly.